2019 - 埃及失落寶藏
Original title: Lost Treasures of Egypt
本系列要介紹一個埃及學者團隊探索埃及國王谷的經過,拍攝小組花了一季的時間跟拍這些現代探險家,看他們如何對抗炙熱的高溫和惡劣的地形,以取得一生難得有幾回的重要發現。他們使用創新科技和傳統直覺,在這些古老的遺址尋找不為人知的祕密,團隊的發現會不會改寫古代的歷史? themoviedb
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埃及失落寶藏 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S03E01 The Mystery of Tut's Tomb
S03E02 Legend of the Pyramid Kings
S03E03 Ramses Rise to Power
S03E04 Rise of the Mummies
S03E05 Secrets of Egypt's Queens
S03E06 Pyramid Tomb Raiders
S03E07 Tutankhamun's Unsolved Secrets
S03E08 Cleopatra, Egypt's Last Pharaoh
S04E01 Tutankhamun's Death
S04E02 Secrets Of the Nile
S04E03 Ramses: Egypt's Greatest Dynasty
S04E04 Mummy Hunters
S04E05 Secrets Of The Lost Pyramids
S04E06 Alexander The Great
S04E07 Rise of Cleopatra
S04E08 Rise of the Pyramids
S05E01 Khufu's Palace
S05E02 "Lost Treasures of Egypt" Forgotten Pyramid
S05E03 Secrets of the Mummy Tombs
S05E05 Secrets of the Megatombs
S05E06 The Pharaohs’ Megacity