2010 - 太平洋戰爭
Hell was an ocean away.
Original title: The Pacific
內容是由1941年美國參戰一直到1945日本投降為止,拍攝美軍在太平洋戰場上的戰事到攻入日本領土。本影集深刻地刻畫了戰爭對千千萬萬家庭及參戰將士的影響,即使在戰後,都仍有著無法抹滅的傷痛。 劇中描述美國第1海軍陸戰師數名官兵的作戰經歷,當中出現不少著名的太平洋戰場,包括瓜達康納爾島戰役、格魯徹斯特岬戰役、貝里琉島戰役、硫磺島戰役(此戰為第五海軍陸戰師)、沖繩島戰役等。 themoviedb
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太平洋戰爭 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Guadalcanal / Leckie
S01E02 Basilone
S01E03 Melbourne
S01E04 Gloucester / Pavuvu / Banika
S01E05 Peleliu Landing
S01E06 Peleliu Airfield
S01E07 Peleliu Hills
S01E08 Iwo Jima
S01E09 Okinawa
S01E10 Home
The Pacific - S01E10 Home [email protected]&eng.YYeTs 0% 0 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E10. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. YYeTs[email protected]&eng.YYeTsThe Pacific - S01E09 Okinawa [email protected]&eng.YYeTs 0% 3 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E09. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. YYeTs[email protected]&eng.YYeTsThe Pacific - S01E10 Home [email protected]&eng.TLF 0% 5 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E10. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. TLF[email protected]&eng.TLFThe Pacific - S01E08 Iwo Jima [email protected]&eng.TLF 0% 0 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E08. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. TLF[email protected]&eng.TLFThe Pacific - S01E06 Peleliu Airfield [email protected]&eng.YYeTs 0% 3 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E06. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. YYeTs[email protected]&eng.YYeTsThe Pacific - S01E05 Peleliu Landing [email protected]&eng.YYeTs 0% 8 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E05. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. YYeTs[email protected]&eng.YYeTsThe Pacific - S01E05 Peleliu Landing [email protected]&eng.TLF 0% 1 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E05. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. TLF[email protected]&eng.TLFThe Pacific - S01E04 Gloucester / Pavuvu / Banika [email protected]&eng.YYeTs 0% 3 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E04. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. YYeTs[email protected]&eng.YYeTsThe Pacific - S01E03 Melbourne [email protected]&eng.TLF 0% 0 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E03. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. TLF[email protected]&eng.TLF太平洋戰爭 - S01E02 Basilone [email protected]&eng.YYeTs 0% 13 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E02. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. YYeTs[email protected]&eng.YYeTsThe Pacific - S01E02 Basilone [email protected]&eng.TLF 0% 1 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E02. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. TLF[email protected]&eng.TLF太平洋戰爭 - S01E01 Guadalcanal / Leckie [email protected]&eng.YYeTs 0% 8 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E01. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. YYeTs[email protected]&eng.YYeTsThe Pacific - S01E01 Guadalcanal / Leckie [email protected]&eng.TLF 0% 0 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. E01. 2010. 1080p. Blu-ray. x265. 10bit. AC3?cXcY@FRDS. chs&eng. TLF[email protected]&eng.TLF太平洋戰爭 - S01E09 Okinawa The.Pacific.S01E09.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 4 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E09. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E09.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans太平洋戰爭 - S01E10 Home The.Pacific.S01E10.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 3 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E10. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E10.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans太平洋戰爭 - S01E08 Iwo Jima The.Pacific.S01E08.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 7 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E08. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E08.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans太平洋戰爭 - S01E07 Peleliu Hills The.Pacific.S01E07.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 6 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E07. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E07.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-HansThe Pacific - S01E05 Peleliu Landing The.Pacific.S01E05.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 6 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E05. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E05.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-HansThe Pacific - S01E06 Peleliu Airfield The.Pacific.S01E06.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 5 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E06. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E06.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans太平洋戰爭 - S01E04 Gloucester / Pavuvu / Banika The.Pacific.S01E04.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 6 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E04. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E04.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans太平洋戰爭 - S01E03 Melbourne The.Pacific.S01E03.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 5 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E03. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E03.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-HansThe Pacific - S01E02 Basilone The.Pacific.S01E02.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 4 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E02. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E02.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-HansThe Pacific - S01E01 Guadalcanal / Leckie The.Pacific.S01E01.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-Hans 0% 4 0 8 個月
The. Pacific. S01E01. WEB-DL. HBOGO. zh-HansThe.Pacific.S01E01.WEB-DL.HBOGO.zh-HansThe Pacific - S01E10 Home DVDRPart 9-10 0% 4 0 8 個月
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