1989 - 阿森一族
Putting the Fun back in Dysfunctional!
Original title: The Simpsons
《阿森一族》是馬特·格朗寧為美國霍士廣播公司創作的一部成人動畫情景喜劇。該劇透過展現荷馬、瑪吉、巴特、麗莎和奶咀一家五口的日常生活,諷刺性地描繪了美國中產階級的生活方式。空間設定於虛構小鎮春田市的《阿森一族》,幽默地嘲諷了美國文化、社會、電視節目和人生百態。 themoviedb
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阿森一族 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
S01E02 Bart the Genius
S01E03 霍默的征程
S01E04 There's No Disgrace Like Home
S01E05 将军巴特
S01E06 Moaning Lisa
S01E07 The Call of the Simpsons
S01E08 启示之头
S01E09 快车道上的生活
S01E10 Homer's Night Out
S01E11 The Crepes of Wrath
S01E12 小丑库斯提被捕
S01E13 迷人的夜晚
S02E01 Bart Gets an 'F'
S02E02 Simpson and Delilah
S02E03 Treehouse of Horror
S02E04 Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
S02E05 跳舞的霍默
S02E06 Dead Putting Society
S02E07 Bart vs. Thanksgiving
S02E08 Bart the Daredevil
S02E09 《猫鼠大战》与玛琦
S02E10 Bart Gets Hit by a Car
S02E11 一条鱼、两条鱼、河豚鱼、蓝色的鱼
S02E12 The Way We Was
S02E13 Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
S02E14 Principal Charming
S02E15 Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
S02E16 Bart's Dog Gets an 'F'
S02E17 Old Money
S02E18 伟大的画笔
S02E19 Lisa's Substitute
S02E20 The War of the Simpsons
S02E21 Three Men and a Comic Book
S02E22 献血之争
S03E01 Stark Raving Dad
S03E02 Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
S03E03 When Flanders Failed
S03E04 Bart the Murderer
S03E05 给霍默定义
S03E06 Like Father, Like Clown
S03E07 Treehouse of Horror II
S03E08 莉萨的小马
S03E09 周六的惊雷
S03E10 Flaming Moe's
S03E11 Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
S03E12 我娶了玛琦
S03E13 无线电巴特
S03E14 Lisa the Greek
S03E15 Homer Alone
S03E16 爱人巴特
S03E17 Homer at the Bat
S03E18 Separate Vocations
S03E19 Dog of Death
S03E20 Colonel Homer
S03E21 黑寡妇
S03E22 奥托的表演
S03E23 巴特的朋友恋爱了
S03E24 Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
S04E01 Kamp Krusty
S04E02 A Streetcar Named Marge
S04E03 Homer the Heretic
S04E04 选美皇后莉萨
S04E05 Treehouse of Horror III
S04E06 Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
S04E07 玛琦找到工作了
S04E08 The New Kid on the Block
S04E09 普洛先生
S04E10 Lisa's First Word
S04E11 霍默的三支搭桥手术
S04E12 Marge vs. the Monorail
S04E13 Selma's Choice
S04E14 Brother from the Same Planet
S04E15 I Love Lisa
S04E16 Duffless
S04E17 去春田镇的最后一个出口
S04E18 原来如此:辛普森一家的视频剪辑
S04E19 前方
S04E20 崩溃的一天
S04E21 Marge in Chains
S04E22 Krusty Gets Kancelled
S05E01 Homer's Barbershop Quartet
S05E02 Cape Feare
S05E03 霍默去上大学
S05E04 Rosebud
S05E05 Treehouse of Horror IV
S05E06 玛琦逃亡之旅
S05E07 巴特内心的孩子
S05E08 Boy-Scoutz 'N the Hood
S05E09 The Last Temptation of Homer
S05E10 $pringfield
S05E11 义务警察霍默
S05E12 巴特出名了
S05E13 霍默与阿普
S05E14 Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
S05E15 Deep Space Homer
S05E16 霍默喜欢弗兰德斯
S05E17 Bart Gets an Elephant
S05E18 Burns' Heir
S05E19 西摩·斯金纳之歌
S05E20 The Boy Who Knew Too Much
S05E21 布维尔夫人的情人
S05E22 Secrets of a Successful Marriage
S06E01 暗黑巴特
S06E02 Lisa's Rival
S06E03 辛普森一家另一段视频秀
S06E04 Itchy & Scratchy Land
S06E05 杂耍家鲍勃·罗伯茨
S06E06 恐怖树屋之五
S06E07 Bart's Girlfriend
S06E08 Lisa on Ice
S06E09 坏人霍默
S06E10 Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy
S06E11 恐飞症
S06E12 Homer the Great
S06E13 And Maggie Makes Three
S06E14 Bart's Comet
S06E15 Homie the Clown
S06E16 巴特与澳大利亚
S06E17 Homer vs. Patty and Selma
S06E18 燃烧的星星
S06E19 莉萨的婚礼
S06E20 Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
S06E21 The PTA Disbands
S06E22 环游春田镇
S06E23 The Springfield Connection
S06E24 特洛伊的柠檬
S06E25 Who Shot Mr. Burns? (1)
S07E01 Who Shot Mr. Burns? (2)
S07E02 放射侠
S07E03 家 甜蜜的家
S07E04 Bart Sells His Soul
S07E05 素食者莉萨
S07E06 Treehouse of Horror VI
S07E07 最大号霍默
S07E08 Mother Simpson
S07E09 Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
S07E10 The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
S07E11 不骄傲的玛琦
S07E12 霍默的球队
S07E13 两个坏邻居
S07E14 Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
S07E15 Bart the Fink
S07E16 反传统斗士莉萨
S07E17 斯密瑟斯霍默
S07E18 暴力消失的那一天
S07E19 一条名叫塞尔玛的鱼
S07E20 旅途中的巴特
S07E21 22 Short Films About Springfield
S07E22 暴怒的亚伯·辛普森和他满腹牢骚的孙子与“飞鱼的诅咒”
S07E23 杞人忧天的阿普
S07E24 差劲的表演者霍默
S07E25 Summer of 4 Ft. 2
S08E01 恐怖树屋之七
S08E02 你只能搬两次家
S08E03 The Homer They Fall
S08E04 伯恩斯宝宝
S08E05 夜晚的巴特
S08E06 分裂的米尔豪斯
S08E07 莉萨与命运的约会
S08E08 Hurricane Neddy
S08E09 El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)
S08E10 The Springfield Files
S08E11 The Twisted World of Marge Simpson
S08E12 Mountain of Madness
S08E13 辛普森呓语
S08E14 The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
S08E15 霍默的恐惧症
S08E16 来自另一部剧集的兄弟
S08E17 我的姐姐 我的保姆
S08E18 霍默和第八修正案
S08E19 小学机密
S08E20 The Canine Mutiny
S08E21 The Old Man and the Lisa
S08E22 我们相信玛琦
S08E23 霍默的敌人
S08E24 The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase
S08E25 The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
S09E01 The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
S09E02 校长与乞丐
S09E03 Lisa's Sax
S09E04 莉萨的萨克斯
S09E05 恐怖树屋之八
S09E06 枪支家庭
S09E07 The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons
S09E08 Lisa the Skeptic
S09E09 怀疑论者莉萨
S09E10 Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
S09E11 常绿阳台的奇迹
S09E12 劲歌热舞
S09E13 The Joy of Sect
S09E14 Das Bus
S09E15 The Last Temptation of Krust
S09E16 Dumbbell Indemnity
S09E17 Lisa the Simpson
S09E18 小威格
S09E19 Simpson Tide
S09E20 万亿的烦恼
S09E21 女孩版
S09E22 Trash of the Titans
S09E23 山中之王
S09E24 Lost Our Lisa
S09E25 Natural Born Kissers
S10E01 舞者之油
S10E02 常绿阳台的巫师
S10E03 Bart the Mother
S10E04 恐怖树屋之九
S10E05 当你在星星上用餐
S10E06 D'oh-in' in the Wind
S10E07 莉萨得了一个A
S10E08 Homer Simpson in: 'Kidney Trouble'
S10E09 Mayored to the Mob
S10E10 Viva Ned Flanders
S10E11 Wild Barts Can't Be Broken
S10E12 Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
S10E13 Homer to the Max
S10E14 我有丘比特
S10E15 Marge Simpson in: 'Screaming Yellow Honkers'
S10E16 给莉萨腾房间
S10E17 Maximum Homerdrive
S10E18 Simpsons Bible Stories
S10E19 Mom and Pop Art
S10E20 老人与成绩是C的学生
S10E21 Monty Can't Buy Me Love
S10E22 他们拯救了莉萨的大脑
S10E23 东京30分钟
S11E01 太过暴力
S11E02 Brother's Little Helper
S11E03 猜猜谁会来批评晚餐?
S11E04 Treehouse of Horror X
S11E05 恼怒的咕哝
S11E06 Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder
S11E07 Eight Misbehavin'
S11E08 Take My Wife, Sleaze
S11E09 玛吉的诈骗
S11E10 Little Big Mom
S11E11 Faith Off
S11E12 豪宅
S11E13 Saddlesore Galactica
S11E14 Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
S11E15 传教士:不可能
S11E16 莫伊大变样
S11E17 Bart to the Future
S11E18 Days of Wine and D'oh'ses
S11E19 Kill the Alligator and Run
S11E20 Last Tap Dance in Springfield
S11E21 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge
S11E22 Behind the Laughter
S12E01 《恐怖树屋13》
S12E02 A Tale of Two Springfields
S12E03 疯狂小丑老爸
S12E04 Lisa the Tree Hugger
S12E05 Homer vs. Dignity
S12E06 有威胁的电脑
S12E07 伟大的金钱戏法
S12E08 Skinner's Sense of Snow
S12E09 霍默变聪明了
S12E10 迟钝的妈妈
S12E11 史上最糟糕的一集
S12E12 网球的威胁
S12E13 Day of the Jackanapes
S12E14 New Kids on the Blecch
S12E15 饥饿的霍默
S12E16 Bye Bye Nerdy
S12E17 辛普森一家非洲行
S12E18 错误三部曲
S12E19 我要去牧场
S12E20 小笨孩
S12E21 Simpsons Tall Tales
S13E01 Treehouse of Horror XII
S13E02 The Parent Rap
S13E03 霍默对抗莫伊
S13E04 A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
S13E05 错误的那些年
S13E06 她的小信仰
S13E07 吵闹一家人
S13E08 Sweets and Sour Marge
S13E09 Jaws Wired Shut
S13E10 过得去的提议
S13E11 The Bart Wants What It Wants
S13E12 The Lastest Gun in the West
S13E13 老人和钥匙
S13E14 Tales from the Public Domain
S13E15 都怪莉萨
S13E16 燃烧的周末
S13E17 Gump Roast
S13E18 我很愤怒(黄色)
S13E19 阿普甜心
S13E20 Little Girl in the Big Ten
S13E21 The Frying Game
S13E22 爸爸的新徽章
S14E01 Treehouse of Horror XIII
S14E02 我如何度过我的乱弹假期
S14E03 Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade
S14E04 Large Marge
S14E05 Helter Shelter
S14E06 The Great Louse Detective
S14E07 Special Edna
S14E08 The Dad Who Knew Too Little
S14E09 玛琦强壮的手臂
S14E10 Pray Anything
S14E11 Barting Over
S14E12 I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can
S14E13 明星重生了
S14E14 斯普里兹先生去华盛顿
S14E15 CE噢!
S14E16 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky
S14E17 公寓三男
S14E18 伙计 我的牧场在哪?
S14E19 老狗伙计
S14E20 Brake My Wife, Please
S14E21 The Bart of War
S14E22 莫伊救了宝贝
S15E01 Treehouse of Horror XIV
S15E02 我妈妈是个劫车犯
S15E03 班长戴着珍珠
S15E04 女王独白
S15E05 最胖跟最毛茸茸的
S15E06 Today I Am a Clown
S15E07 'Tis the Fifteenth Season
S15E08 玛琦VS单身人士、老年人、无子女夫妇、青少年和同性恋
S15E09 I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot
S15E10 Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
S15E11 神奇的历史之旅
S15E12 米尔豪斯搬走了
S15E13 聪明和更聪明
S15E14 来吃饭的泽夫
S15E15 相互依存的一天
S15E16 The Wandering Juvie
S15E17 我盛大的极客婚礼
S15E18 放马来追
S15E19 简单的辛普森
S15E20 The Way We Weren't
S15E21 被巴特毁掉的旗帜
S15E22 骗子新闻
S16E01 恐怖树屋之十五
S16E02 烤箱面前人人平等
S16E03 与敌共枕
S16E04 佳人何在
S16E05 Fat Man and Little Boy
S16E06 午夜药车
S16E07 妈妈酒吧
S16E08 霍默和奈德的万福玛丽之球
S16E09 Pranksta Rap
S16E10 我为结婚狂
S16E11 On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister
S16E12 Goo Goo Gai Pan
S16E13 Mobile Homer
S16E14 监狱风云
S16E15 玩出个未来
S16E16 Don't Fear the Roofer
S16E17 The Heartbroke Kid
S16E18 A Star Is Torn
S16E19 Thank God It's Doomsday
S16E20 Home Away from Homer
S16E21 The Father, the Son and the Holy Guest Star
S17E01 海牛的篝火
S17E02 失眠的女孩
S17E03 Milhouse of Sand and Fog
S17E04 Treehouse of Horror XVI
S17E05 玛吉的儿子中毒症
S17E06 See Homer Run
S17E07 The Last of the Red Hat Mamas
S17E08 意大利人鲍勃
S17E09 辛普森的圣诞故事
S17E10 霍默生父之谜
S17E11 前往无处之地
S17E12 窈窕淑男
S17E13 The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
S17E14 Bart Has Two Mommies
S17E15 Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
S17E16 Million Dollar Abie
S17E17 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore
S17E18 The Wettest Stories Ever Told
S17E19 Girls Just Want to Have Sums
S17E20 Regarding Margie
S17E21 The Monkey Suit
S17E22 Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play
S18E01 The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer
S18E02 Jazzy and the Pussycats
S18E03 Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em
S18E04 Treehouse of Horror XVII
S18E05 G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)
S18E06 Moe'N'a Lisa
S18E07 Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)
S18E08 The Haw-Hawed Couple
S18E09 Kill Gil, Volumes I & II
S18E10 出海人生
S18E11 Revenge is a Dish Best Served Three Times
S18E12 Little Big Girl
S18E13 Springfield Up
S18E14 Yokel Chords
S18E15 Rome-Old and Juli-Eh
S18E16 Homerazzi
S18E17 Marge Gamer
S18E18 The Boys of Bummer
S18E19 Crook and Ladder
S18E20 Stop or My Dog Will Shoot!
S18E21 24 Minutes
S18E22 肯特不能总是得到他想要的
S19E01 他热爱飞行
S19E02 The Homer of Seville
S19E03 Midnight Towboy
S19E04 I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
S19E05 Treehouse of Horror XVIII
S19E06 Little Orphan Millie
S19E07 丈夫、太太与生意
S19E08 恶人的葬礼
S19E09 Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind
S19E10 合众威格姆
S19E11 That 90's Show
S19E12 春田式的爱情
S19E13 巴特的无间道
S19E14 Dial 'N' for Nerder
S19E15 女儿弥漫的黑烟
S19E16 爸爸别啃幼
S19E17 Apocalypse Cow
S19E18 挑战圣丹斯
S19E19 Mona Leaves-a
S19E20 关于莉萨的一切
S20E01 Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes
S20E02 Lost Verizon
S20E03 Double, Double, Boy in Trouble
S20E04 Treehouse of Horror XIX
S20E05 Dangerous Curves
S20E06 Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words
S20E07 Mypods and Boomsticks
S20E08 The Burns and the Bees
S20E09 幻想女王丽莎
S20E10 Take My Life, Please
S20E11 How the Test Was Won
S20E12 No Loan Again, Naturally
S20E13 Gone Maggie Gone
S20E14 In the Name of the Grandfather
S20E15 灾难的婚礼
S20E16 Eeny Teeny Maya Moe
S20E17 The Good, the Sad and the Drugly
S20E18 都是为你好
S20E19 Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh
S20E20 Four Great Women and a Manicure
S20E21 Coming to Homerica
S21E01 霍默超人
S21E02 劣等巴特
S21E03 妻子伟大的愿望
S21E04 恐怖树屋之二十
S21E05 什么都没穿的恶魔
S21E06 Pranks and Greens
S21E07 Rednecks and Broomsticks
S21E08 霹雳巴特
S21E09 星期四与阿比上的课
S21E10 Once Upon a Time in Springfield
S21E11 Million Dollar Maybe
S21E12 当男孩遇上冰壶
S21E13 The Color Yellow
S21E14 来自楔子的明信片
S21E15 Stealing First Base
S21E16 The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed
S21E17 American History X-cellent
S21E18 Chief of Hearts
S21E19 The Squirt and the Whale
S21E20 To Surveil with Love
S21E21 莫伊风情
S21E22 The Bob Next Door
S21E23 Judge Me Tender
S22E01 Elementary School Musical
S22E02 借借莉萨
S22E03 点巴成金
S22E04 Treehouse of Horror XXI
S22E05 莉萨·辛普森,这不是你的人生
S22E06 傻瓜伯恩斯
S22E07 How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window?
S22E08 The Fight Before Christmas
S22E09 忠奸胖子
S22E10 Moms I'd Like to Forget
S22E11 火烧莫伊
S22E12 霍默爸爸
S22E13 The Blue and the Gray
S22E14 Angry Dad: The Movie
S22E15 The Scorpion's Tale
S22E16 仲夏夜美梦
S22E17 Love Is a Many Strangled Thing
S22E18 The Great Simpsina
S22E19 The Real Housewives of Fat Tony
S22E20 Homer Scissorhands
S22E21 500 Keys
S22E22 The Ned-liest Catch
S23E01 The Falcon and the D'ohman
S23E02 巴特停下来闻罗斯福
S23E03 恐怖树屋之二十二
S23E04 Replaceable You
S23E05 美食妻子
S23E06 天罗读网
S23E07 The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants
S23E08 十分一的解决方案
S23E09 Holidays of Future Passed
S23E10 Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson
S23E11 社群看战
S23E12 Moe Goes from Rags to Riches
S23E13 女儿也崛起
S23E14 终于走了
S23E15 Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart
S23E16 How I Wet Your Mother
S23E17 Them, Robot
S23E18 Beware My Cheating Bart
S23E19 巴特永不会再做的好玩事情
S23E20 了解我的间谍
S23E21 Ned 'n Edna's Blend Agenda
S23E22 Lisa Goes Gaga
S24E01 Moonshine River
S24E02 Treehouse of Horror XXIII
S24E03 Adventures in Baby-Getting
S24E04 Gone Abie Gone
S24E04 失踪亚伯
S24E05 Penny-Wiseguys
S24E06 春田镇有棵树
S24E07 The Day the Earth Stood Cool
S24E08 亲爱的杂种狗
S24E09 霍默上预科学校
S24E10 A Test Before Trying
S24E11 监护人的变迁
S24E12 Love Is a Many-Splintered Thing
S24E13 才不是老爹
S24E14 Gorgeous Grampa
S24E15 黑眼有请
S24E16 Dark Knight Court
S24E17 What Animated Women Want
S24E18 Pulpit Friction
S24E19 Whiskey Business
S24E20 美妙的骗人男孩
S24E21 卡尔传奇
S24E22 火车上的危机
S25E01 Homerland
S25E02 Treehouse of Horror XXIV
S25E03 Four Regrettings and a Funeral
S25E05 Labor Pains
S25E06 The Kid Is All Right
S25E07 Yellow Subterfuge
S25E08 White Christmas Blues
S25E09 Steal This Episode
S25E10 Married to the Blob
S25E11 Specs and the City
S25E12 长得太大的男人
S25E13 The Man Who Grew Too Much
S25E14 The Winter of His Content
S25E15 艺术之战
S25E16 You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee
S25E17 Luca$
S25E18 未来未来
S25E19 What to Expect When Bart's Expecting
S25E20 像我这样一块砖
S25E21 收钱好友
S25E22 黄色怯懦徽章
S26E01 Clown in the Dumps
S26E02 关系破裂
S26E03 Super Franchise Me
S26E04 Treehouse of Horror XXV
S26E05 Opposites A-Frack
S26E06 Simpsorama
S26E07 Blazed and Confused
S26E08 秘密翻唱团
S26E09 我不能回家过圣诞节
S26E10 来吃饭的那个人
S26E11 巴特的新朋友
S26E12 马斯克到来
S26E13 我胖我骄傲
S26E14 My Fare Lady
S26E15 The Princess Guide
S26E16 Sky Police
S26E17 等等达夫曼
S26E18 Peeping Mom
S26E19 The Kids Are All Fight
S26E20 我们去放笨人吧
S26E21 Bull-E
S26E22 Mathlete's Feat
S27E01 Every Man's Dream
S27E02 线索侦探
S27E03 戒烟
S27E04 恐怖万圣节
S27E05 Treehouse of Horror XXVI
S27E06 Friend with Benefit
S27E07 Lisa with an 'S'
S27E08 荣誉之路
S27E09 巴特少年时代
S27E10 The Girl Code
S27E11 Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles
S27E12 Much Apu About Something
S27E13 Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4
S27E14 Gal of Constant Sorrow
S27E15 Lisa the Veterinarian
S27E16 移居火星计划
S27E17 伯恩斯笼子
S27E18 How Lisa Got Her Marge Back
S27E19 Fland Canyon
S27E19 Fland Canyon
S27E20 To Courier with Love
S27E20 To Courier with Love
S27E21 Simprovised
S27E22 女子监狱
S28E01 Monty Burns' Fleeing Circus
S28E01 Monty Burns' Fleeing Circus
S28E02 朋友和家人
S28E03 The Town
S28E04 恐怖树屋之二十七
S28E05 信任但澄清
S28E06 萌芽将至
S28E07 哈瓦那疯狂周末
S28E08 Dad Behavior
S28E09 The Last Traction Hero
S28E09 The Last Traction Hero
S28E10 The Nightmare After Krustmas
S28E11 Pork and Burns
S28E12 了不起的法茨比(第一部)
S28E13 The Great Phatsby (2)
S28E13 了不起的法茨比(第二部)
S28E13 The Great Phatsby (2)
S28E13 熱狗車
S28E14 陆上行舟
S28E15 The Cad and the Hat
S28E16 库斯提夏令营
S28E17 22 for 30
S28E18 父亲的手表
S28E19 The Caper Chase
S28E20 Looking for Mr. Goodbart
S28E21 莫伊之家
S28E22 狗狗镇
S29E01 The Serfsons
S29E02 Springfield Splendor
S29E03 Whistler's Father
S29E04 Treehouse of Horror XXVIII
S29E05 爷爷,你能听见我说话吗?
S29E06 The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be
S29E07 球馆高歌
S29E08 莉萨先生的作品
S29E09 Gone Boy
S29E10 Haw-Haw Land
S29E11 Frink Gets Testy
S29E12 Homer Is Where the Art Isn't
S29E13 3 Scenes Plus A Tag From A Marriage
S29E13 3 Scenes Plus A Tag From A Marriage
S29E14 小丑恐惧
S29E15 No Good Read Goes Unpunished
S29E16 李尔王
S29E17 Lisa Gets the Blues
S29E18 Forgive and Regret
S29E19 Left Behind
S29E20 Throw Grampa from the Dane
S29E21 Flanders' Ladder
S30E01 Bart's Not Dead
S30E02 Heartbreak Hotel
S30E03 天堂之路
S30E04 Treehouse of Horror XXIX
S30E05 宝贝,你不能开我的车
S30E06 来自俄罗斯的无爱
S30E07 Werking Mom
S30E08 小丑库斯提
S30E09 Daddicus Finch
S30E10 这是第30季
S30E11 生玩具的气
S30E11 生玩具的气
S30E12 公车上的女孩
S30E12 公车上的女孩
S30E13 I'm Dancing as Fat as I Can
S30E13 我尽我所能跳舞
S30E14 The Clown Stays in the Picture
S30E14 库斯提的电影
S30E15 减刑指南
S30E15 Bart's Haircut
S30E16 I Want You (She's So Heavy)
S30E16 我想要你(她太重了)
S30E17 E My Sports
S30E17 The Perfect Crime
S30E18 Scary Stories
S30E18 Bart vs Itchy & Scratchy
S30E19 Girl's in the Band
S30E19 Grampa and the Kids
S30E20 I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say D'oh
S30E21 欧,加拿大
S30E22 Woo-Hoo Dunnit?
S30E23 Crystal Blue-Haired Persuasion
S31E01 The Winter of Our Monetized Content
S31E01 The Winter of Our Monetized Content
S31E02 加油,霍默
S31E03 The Fat Blue Line
S31E04 Treehouse of Horror XXX
S31E05 桅杆上有大猩猩
S31E06 伐木工玛琦
S31E07 哥斯达黎加万岁
S31E08 恐怖的感恩节
S31E09 Todd, Todd, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
S31E10 Bobby: It's Cold Outside
S31E11 Hail to the Teeth
S31E12 The Miseducation of Lisa Simpson
S31E13 Frinkcoin
S31E13 Frinkcoin
S31E14 Bart the Bad Guy
S31E14 Bart the Bad Guy
S31E15 失去电子设备
S31E16 更好的奈德
S31E17 Highway to Well
S31E18 当婴儿无比轻松
S31E19 Warrin' Priests (1)
S31E20 Warrin' Priests (2)
S31E21 The Hateful Eight-Year-Olds
S31E22 The Way of the Dog
S32E01 Undercover Burns
S32E02 我是卡伦布斯
S32E03 博物馆,现在你不想去
S32E04 恐怖树屋XXXI
S32E05 7杯啤酒之痒
S32E06 播客消息
S32E07 无法实现的美梦
S32E08 去辛辛那提的路
S32E09 抱歉又不抱歉
S32E10 斯普林菲尔德夏季圣诞节
S32E11 当父亲的感受
S32E12 乳品皇后
S32E13 Wad Goals
S32E14 Yokel Hero
S32E15 Do Pizza Bots Dream of Electric Guitars
S32E16 Manger Things
S32E17 完美女子
S32E18 汉堡王
S32E19 斯普林菲尔德街头的恐慌
S32E20 母亲和孩子团聚
S32E21 爷爷
S32E22 最后的酒吧战士
S33E01 The Star of the Backstage
S33E02 Bart's in Jail
S33E03 Treehouse of Horror XXXII
S33E04 The Wayz We Were
S33E05 Lisa's Belly
S33E06 认真的弗兰德一家(第1部与第2部)
S33E07 走狗着火的肖像
S33E08 母亲和其他陌生人
S33E09 Mothers and Other Strangers
S33E10 A Made Maggie
S33E11 The Longest Marge
S33E12 高地惊魂
S33E13 Boyz N the Highlands
S33E14 You Won't Believe What This Episode Is About -- Act Three Will Shock You!
S33E15 小秘密
S33E16 牙龈出血的声音
S33E17 我的章鱼和老师
S33E18 姑娘们的肖娜好时光
S33E19 《小气鬼玛姬》
S33E20 《肉是凶手》
S33E21 济贫院摇滚
S33E22 Poorhouse Rock
S34E01 Habeas Tortoise
S34E02 愤怒的丽莎
S34E03 Lisa the Boy Scout
S34E04 好人之王
S34E05 Not It
S34E06 Treehouse of Horror XXXIII
S34E07 从啤酒到亲子关系
S34E08 Step Brother from the Same Planet
S34E09 尼尔森与丽莎的相遇
S34E10 不一样的游戏
S34E11 高端操作
S34E12 My Life as a Vlog
S34E13 The Many Saints of Springfield
S34E14 Carl Carlson Rides Again
S34E15 Bartless
S34E16 Hostile Kirk Place
S34E17 Pin Gal
S34E18 Fan-ily Feud
S34E19 Write Off This Episode
S34E20 The Very Hungry Caterpillars
S34E21 Clown v. Board of Education
S34E22 Homer's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass
S35E01 童年夜梦
S35E02 A Mid-Childhood's Night Dream
S35E03 McMansion & Wife
S35E04 Thirst Trap: A Corporate Love Story
S35E05 Treehouse of Horror XXXIV
S35E06 Iron Marge
S35E07 It's a Blunderful Life
S35E08 AE Bonny Romance
S35E09 Murder, She Boat
S35E10 Do the Wrong Thing
S35E11 Episode #35.11
S35E12 Lisa Gets an F1
S35E13 穴居媽媽族
S35E14 Night of the Living Wage
S35E15 Cremains of the Day
S35E16 The Tell-Tale Pants
S35E17 The Tipping Point
S35E18 巴特的大腦
S36E01 Bart's Birthday
S36E02 黄莲花度假村
S36E03 拼命寻找莉萨
S36E04 高温
S36E05 恐怖树屋35
S36E06 女性短片集
S36E07 恐怖树屋:辛普森邪恶降临
S36E08 Convenience Airways
S36E09 霍默与她的姐姐们
S36E11 瓶困集
S36E12 The Flandshees of Innersimpson
S36E13 "The Simpsons" Episode #36.13
S36E14 The Past and the Furious
The Simpsons - S36E14 The Past and the Furious Die.Simpsons.The.Past.and.the.Furious.2025.GERMAN.DL.1080p.WEB.h264-SAUERKRAUT 0% 2 0 9 天
Die. Simpsons. The. Past. and. the. Furious. 2025. GERMAN. DL. 1080p. WEB. h264-SAUERKRAUTDie.Simpsons.The.Past.and.the.Furious.2025.GERMAN.DL.1080p.WEB.h264-SAUERKRAUTThe Simpsons - S07E25 Summer of 4 Ft. 2 S07E25 - Summer of 4 Ft. 2 ( 0% 0 0 7 個月
S07E25 - Summer of 4 Ft. 2 (www. simpsons. ir)S07E25 - Summer of 4 Ft. 2 ( Simpsons - S07E22 Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish' S07E22 - Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in The Curse of the Flying Hellfish ( 0% 2 0 7 個月
S07E22 - Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in The Curse of the Flying Hellfish (www. simpsons. ir)S07E22 - Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in The Curse of the Flying Hellfish ( Simpsons - S07E23 Much Apu About Nothing S07E23 - Much Apu About Nothing ( 0% 1 0 7 個月
S07E23 - Much Apu About Nothing (www. simpsons. ir)S07E23 - Much Apu About Nothing ( Simpsons - S07E21 22 Short Films About Springfield S07E21- 22 Short Films About Springfield ( 0% 5 0 7 個月
S07E21- 22 Short Films About Springfield (www. simpsons. ir)S07E21- 22 Short Films About Springfield ( Simpsons - S07E20 Bart on the Road S07E20 - Bart on the Road ( 0% 14 0 7 個月
S07E20 - Bart on the Road (www. simpsons. ir)S07E20 - Bart on the Road ( Simpsons - S07E19 A Fish Called Selma S07E19 - A Fish Called Selma ( 0% 0 0 7 個月
S07E19 - A Fish Called Selma (www. simpsons. ir)S07E19 - A Fish Called Selma ( Simpsons - S07E17 Homer the Smithers S07E17 - Homer the Smithers ( 0% 24 0 7 個月
S07E17 - Homer the Smithers (www. simpsons. ir)S07E17 - Homer the Smithers ( Simpsons - S07E16 Lisa the Iconoclast S07E16 - Lisa the Iconoclast ( 0% 0 0 7 個月
S07E16 - Lisa the Iconoclast (www. simpsons. ir)S07E16 - Lisa the Iconoclast ( Simpsons - S07E14 Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield S07E14 - Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield ( 0% 0 0 7 個月
S07E14 - Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield (www. simpsons. ir)S07E14 - Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield ( Simpsons - S07E13 Two Bad Neighbors S07E13 - Two Bad Neighbors ( 0% 0 0 7 個月
S07E13 - Two Bad Neighbors (www. simpsons. ir)S07E13 - Two Bad Neighbors ( Simpsons - S07E12 Team Homer S07E12 - Team Homer ( 0% 17 0 7 個月
S07E12 - Team Homer (www. simpsons. ir)S07E12 - Team Homer ( Simpsons - S07E11 Marge Be Not Proud S07E11 - Marge Be Not Proud ( 0% 2 0 7 個月
S07E11 - Marge Be Not Proud (www. simpsons. ir)S07E11 - Marge Be Not Proud ( Simpsons - S07E10 The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular S07E10 - The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular ( 0% 0 0 7 個月
S07E10 - The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular (www. simpsons. ir)S07E10 - The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular ( Đình Simpson - S07E09 Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming S07E09 - Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming ( 0% 16 0 7 個月
S07E09 - Sideshow Bobs Last Gleaming (www. simpsons. ir)S07E09 - Sideshow Bobs Last Gleaming ( Simpsons - S07E08 Mother Simpson S07E08 - Mother Simpson ( 0% 7 0 7 個月
S07E08 - Mother Simpson (www. simpsons. ir)S07E08 - Mother Simpson ( Simpsons - S07E07 King-Size Homer S07E07 - King-Size Homer ( 0% 23 0 7 個月
S07E07 - King-Size Homer (www. simpsons. ir)S07E07 - King-Size Homer ( Simpsons - S07E05 Lisa the Vegetarian S07E05 - Lisa The Vegetarian ( 0% 1 0 7 個月
S07E05 - Lisa The Vegetarian (www. simpsons. ir)S07E05 - Lisa The Vegetarian ( Simpsons - S07E04 Bart Sells His Soul S07E04- Bart Sells His Soul ( 0% 3 0 7 個月
S07E04- Bart Sells His Soul (www. simpsons. ir)S07E04- Bart Sells His Soul ( Đình Simpson - S07E03 Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily S07E03 - Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily ( 0% 43 0 7 個月
S07E03 - Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily (www. simpsons. ir)S07E03 - Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily ( Simpsons - S07E01 Who Shot Mr. Burns? (2) S07E01 - Who Shot Mr. Burns (2) ( 0% 0 0 7 個月
S07E01 - Who Shot Mr. Burns (2) (www. simpsons. ir)iS07E01 - Who Shot Mr. Burns (2) ( Simpsons - S01E09 Life on the Fast Lane The Simpsons (Episode 9) 0% 0 0 8 個月
The Simpsons (Episode 9)The Simpsons (Episode 9)Gia Đình Simpson - S01E08 The Telltale Head The Simpsons (Episode 8) 0% 5 0 8 個月
The Simpsons (Episode 8)The Simpsons (Episode 8)The Simpsons - S01E06 Moaning Lisa The Simpsons (Episode 6) 0% 0 0 8 個月
The Simpsons (Episode 6)The Simpsons (Episode 6)