2011 - 前夫总动员
The single life is getting crowded.
Original title: The Exes
该剧主要讲述了同住一室的三个离婚男人。而住在他们对面的正是他们的离婚律师兼女房东,声称“从未结过婚”的霍莉。首集中霍莉将她最新的单身客户斯图尔特介绍给新室友--女人之友菲尔以及宅男哈斯克尔。粘人的斯图尔特的加入给这两人的生活带来了新变化。住在对面的霍莉对三大男人的生活异常关心以此逃避自己失败的感情。随着今后的生活,三个大男人渐渐开始意识到原来他们的前妻竟有着相同的问题。俗话说得好,三个女人一台戏。现在三个男人一台戏。。。 themoviedb
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前夫总动员 subtitles for episodes from season 4
S04E01 The Devil Wears Hanes
S04E02 The Wedding Unplanner
S04E03 Love and Death
S04E04 An Officer and a Dental Man
S04E05 Oh Brother Here Art Thou
S04E06 Dawn of the Dad
S04E07 Catch It 'Cause You Can
S04E08 Requiem for a Dream
S04E09 Get Her to the Greek
S04E10 Holly Franklin Goes to Washington
S04E11 A Bride Too Far
S04E12 The Wedding
S04E13 Him
S04E14 Finding Mr. Wrong
S04E15 Good Will Hinting
S04E16 The 40-Year-Old Her-Gin
S04E17 Haskell Doesn't Live Here Anymore
S04E18 Knotting Phil
S04E19 Ten Things They Hate About You
S04E20 Gone Girls
S04E21 What Dreams May Come
S04E22 Along Came Holly