1997 - Pokémon
Gotta catch 'em all!
Original title: ポケットモンスター
Join Ash accompanied by his partner Pikachu, as he travels through many regions, meets new friends and faces new challenges on his quest to become a Pokémon Master. themoviedb
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Pokémon subtitles for episodes from season 8
S08E01 Clamperl of Wisdom
S08E02 The Relicanth Really Can
S08E03 The Evolutionary War
S08E04 Training Wrecks
S08E05 Gaining Groudon
S08E06 The Scuffle of Legends
S08E07 It's Still Rocket Roll to Me!
S08E08 Solid as a Solrock
S08E09 Vanity Affair
S08E10 Where's Armaldo?
S08E11 A Cacturne for the Worse
S08E12 Claydol Big and Tall
S08E13 Once in a Mawile
S08E14 Beg, Burrow and Steal
S08E15 Absol-ute Disaster!
S08E16 Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt!
S08E17 Do I Hear a Ralts?
S08E18 The Great Eight Fate!
S08E19 Eight Ain't Enough
S08E20 Showdown at Linoone
S08E21 Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?
S08E22 Date Expectations
S08E23 Mean with Envy
S08E24 Pacifidlog Jam
S08E25 Berry, Berry Interesting
S08E26 Less is Morrison
S08E27 The Ribbon Cup Caper!
S08E28 Satoshi and Haruka! Heated Battles in Hoenn!!
S08E29 Hi Ho Silver Wind!
S08E30 Deceit and Assist
S08E31 Rhapsody in Drew
S08E32 Island Time
S08E33 Like a Meowth to a Flame
S08E34 Saved by the Beldum
S08E35 From Brags to Riches
S08E36 Shocks and Bonds
S08E37 A Judgment Brawl
S08E38 Choose It or Lose It!
S08E39 At the End of the Fray
S08E40 The Scheme Team
S08E41 The Right Place and the Right Mime
S08E42 A Real Cleffa-Hanger
S08E43 Numero Uno Articuno
S08E44 The Symbol Life
S08E45 Hooked on Onix
S08E46 Rough, Tough Jigglypuff
S08E47 On Cloud Arcanine
S08E48 Sitting Psyduck
S08E49 Hail to the Chef!
S08E50 Caterpie's Big Dilemma
S08E51 The Saffron Con
S08E52 A Hurdle for Squirtle
S08E53 Pasta La Vista!