2011 - Hunter x Hunter
Original title: HUNTER×HUNTER
Pentru a-și îndeplini visul de a deveni Vânător ca tatăl său, un băiat trebuie să treacă o probă riguroasă și să-și găsească tatăl dispărut. themoviedb
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Hunter x Hunter subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Plecare și prieteni
S01E02 Testul suprem
S01E03 Rivali în lupta pentru supraviețuire
S01E04 Speranță și ambiție
S01E05 Viclenia lui Hisoka
S01E06 O provocare surprinzătoare
S01E07 Vânători pe loc
S01E08 Turnul capcanelor
S01E09 Atenție la prizonieri
S01E10 Pe pariu
S01E11 Problema cu ghicitul
S01E12 Blocați în cameră
S01E13 Scrisoare de la Gon
S01E14 Atinge ținta
S01E15 Decepție
S01E16 Înfrângere și dezonoare
S01E17 Trap x In The x Hole
S01E18 Interviu cu mize mari
S01E19 Can't Win x and x Can't Lose
S01E20 Răsturnare de situație
S01E21 Some x Brother x Trouble
S01E22 Dincolo de poartă
S01E23 Datoria paznicului
S01E24 Familia Zoldyck
S01E25 Nu-ți trebuie ochi să vezi
S01E26 Pe viitor
S01E27 Sosirea la arenă
S01E28 Tehnica Nen
S01E29 Potențial
S01E30 Ferocitate
S01E31 Destin și tenacitate
S01E32 O victorie surprinzătoare
S01E33 Amenințare nefondată
S01E34 Putere de răzbunare
S01E35 Adevăratul test
S01E36 A Big Debt x And x A Small Kick!
S01E37 Ging și Gon
S01E38 Reply x From x Dad!
S01E39 Wish x And x Promise!
S01E40 Nen x Users x Unite?
S01E41 Eroii se adună
S01E42 Defend x and x Attack!
S01E43 O tragedie șocantă
S01E44 Buildup x To A x Fierce Battle
S01E45 Restraint x And x Vow
S01E46 Chasing x and x Waiting
S01E47 Condition x and x Condition
S01E48 Very x Sharp x Eye
S01E49 Pursuit x and x Analysis
S01E50 Ally x and x Sword
S01E51 A x Brutal x Battlefield
S01E52 Assault x And x Impact
S01E53 Fake x And x Psyche
S01E54 Fortunes x Aren't x Right?
S01E55 Allies x And x Lies
S01E56 Iubire și încercuire
S01E57 Inițiativă și lege
S01E58 Semnalul de retragere
S01E59 Licitație cu indicii
S01E60 Sfârșit și început
S01E61 Invitația
S01E62 Realitate?
S01E63 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Hard × Master?
S01E64 "Hunter x Hunter" Strengthen × and × Threaten
S01E65 "Hunter x Hunter" Evil Fist × and × Rock-Paper-Scissors
S01E66 "Hunter x Hunter" Strategy × and × Scheme
S01E67 "Hunter x Hunter" 15 × 15
S01E68 "Hunter x Hunter" Pirates × and × Guesses
S01E69 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Heated × Showdown
S01E70 "Hunter x Hunter" Guts × and × Courage
S01E71 "Hunter x Hunter" Bargain × and × Deal
S01E72 "Hunter x Hunter" Chase × and × Chance
S01E73 "Hunter x Hunter" Insanity × and × Sanity
S01E74 "Hunter x Hunter" Victor × and × Loser
S01E75 "Hunter x Hunter" Ging's Friends × and × True Friends
S01E76 "Hunter x Hunter" Reunion × and × Understanding
S01E77 "Hunter x Hunter" Unease × and × Sighting
S01E78 "Hunter x Hunter" Very × Rapid × Reproduction
S01E79 "Hunter x Hunter" No × Good × NGL
S01E80 "Hunter x Hunter" Evil × and × Terrible
S01E81 "Hunter x Hunter" The × Fight × Begins
S01E82 "Hunter x Hunter" Kite × and × Slots
S01E83 "Hunter x Hunter" Inspiration × to × Evolve
S01E84 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Fated × Awakening
S01E85 "Hunter x Hunter" Light X and X Darkness
S01E86 "Hunter x Hunter" Promise X and X Reunion
S01E87 "Hunter x Hunter" Duel × and × Escape
S01E88 "Hunter x Hunter" Rock-Paper-Scissors × and × Weakness
S01E89 "Hunter x Hunter" Compassion X and X Strength
S01E90 "Hunter x Hunter" Interest X and X Curse
S01E91 "Hunter x Hunter" The Strong X and X the Weak
S01E92 "Hunter x Hunter" One Wish X and X Two Promises
S01E93 "Hunter x Hunter" Date X with X Palm
S01E94 "Hunter x Hunter" Friend X and X Journey
S01E95 "Hunter x Hunter" Grudge × and × Dread
S01E96 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Lawless × Home
S01E97 "Hunter x Hunter" Carnage × and × Devastation
S01E98 "Hunter x Hunter" Infiltration × and × Selection
S01E99 "Hunter x Hunter" Combination × and × Evolution
S01E100 "Hunter x Hunter" Tracking × and × Pursuit
S01E101 "Hunter x Hunter" Ikalgo × and × Lightning
S01E102 "Hunter x Hunter" Power × and × Games
S01E103 "Hunter x Hunter" Check × and × Mate
S01E104 "Hunter x Hunter" Doubt × and × Hesitation
S01E105 "Hunter x Hunter" Resolve × and × Awakening
S01E106 "Hunter x Hunter" Knov × and × Morel
S01E107 "Hunter x Hunter" Return × and × Retire
S01E108 "Hunter x Hunter" Gungi × of × Komugi
S01E109 "Hunter x Hunter" Taking Stock × and × Taking Action
S01E110 "Hunter x Hunter" Confusion × and × Expectation
S01E111 "Hunter x Hunter" Charge × and × Invade
S01E112 "Hunter x Hunter" Monster × and × Monster
S01E113 "Hunter x Hunter" An × Indebted × Insect
S01E114 "Hunter x Hunter" Divide × and × Conquer
S01E115 "Hunter x Hunter" Duty × and × Question
S01E116 "Hunter x Hunter" Revenge × and × Recovery
S01E117 "Hunter x Hunter" Insult × and × Payback
S01E118 "Hunter x Hunter" A × False × Revenge
S01E119 "Hunter x Hunter" Strong × or × Weak
S01E120 "Hunter x Hunter" Fake × and × Real
S01E121 "Hunter x Hunter" Defeat × and × Dignity
S01E122 "Hunter x Hunter" Pose × and × Name
S01E123 "Hunter x Hunter" Centipede × and × Memory
S01E124 "Hunter x Hunter" Breakdown X and X Awakening
S01E125 "Hunter x Hunter" Great Power × and × Ultimate Power
S01E126 "Hunter x Hunter" Zero × and × Rose
S01E127 "Hunter x Hunter" Hostility × and × Determination
S01E128 "Hunter x Hunter" Unparalleled Joy × and × Unconditional Love
S01E129 "Hunter x Hunter" Formidable Enemy × and × Clear Objective
S01E130 "Hunter x Hunter" Magic × to × Destroy
S01E131 "Hunter x Hunter" Anger × and × Light
S01E132 "Hunter x Hunter" Flash × and × Start
S01E133 "Hunter x Hunter" Deadline × to × Live
S01E134 "Hunter x Hunter" The Word × Is × You
S01E135 "Hunter x Hunter" This Person × and × This Moment
S01E136 "Hunter x Hunter" Homecoming × and × Real Name
S01E137 "Hunter x Hunter" Debate × Among × Zodiacs
S01E138 "Hunter x Hunter" Plea X and X Favor
S01E139 "Hunter x Hunter" Alluka X and X That Thing
S01E140 "Hunter x Hunter" Join Battle X and X Open Battle
S01E141 "Hunter x Hunter" Magician × and × Butler
S01E142 "Hunter x Hunter" Needle × and × Debt
S01E143 "Hunter x Hunter" Sin × and × Claw
S01E144 "Hunter x Hunter" Approval × and × Coalition
S01E145 "Hunter x Hunter" Defeat × and × Reunion
S01E146 "Hunter x Hunter" Chairman × and × Release
S01E147 "Hunter x Hunter" Salvation × and × Future
S01E148 "Hunter x Hunter" Past X and X Future
Hunter x Hunter - S01E01 Departure x And x Friends [Coalgirls]_Hunter_X_Hunter_01_(1280x720_H.264_AAC)_[735D6AF9] 0% 970 0 mai mult de 10 ani
[Coalgirls]_Hunter_X_Hunter_01_(1280x720_H. 264_AAC)_[735D6AF9][Coalgirls]_Hunter_X_Hunter_01_(1280x720_H.264_AAC)_[735D6AF9]