2018 - Po sąsiedzku
Original title: The Neighborhood
Dave Johnson to miły, przyjaźnie usposobiony mężczyzna ze Środkowego Zachodu. Wraz z rodziną sprowadza się do Los Angeles. Johnsonowie zamieszkują obok Calvina Butlera, który serdeczność nowego sąsiada bierze za podstępny sposób na zniszczenie ładu lokalnej społeczności. themoviedb
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Po sąsiedzku subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Nowe rury
S01E03 Zapasowy klucz
S01E04 Parapetówka
S01E05 Wieczór gier
S01E06 Rocznica
S01E07 Zakład fryzjerski
S01E08 Dziękczynienia
S01E09 Gość na kolacji
S01E10 Skradzione buty
S01E11 Szkolna zbiórka
S01E12 Urodziny Grovera
S01E13 Męski wieczór
S01E14 Wyprzedaż
S01E15 Malcolm ma pracę
S01E16 Wielka zapłata
S01E17 Dylematy
S01E18 Logan numer 2
S01E19 Na biwaku
S01E20 Stypa
S01E21 Rozmowa
S02E01 Na grillu
S02E02 Dręczyciel
S02E03 Remont
S02E04 Pod jednym dachem
S02E05 Dusza w misce
S02E06 Koncert
S02E07 Odnowienie przysięgi
S02E08 Kręgle
S02E09 Skaza
S02E10 Globalna sieć
S02E11 Hulajnoga
S02E12 Darmozjad
S02E13 Nowy pastor
S02E14 Domowy quiz
S02E15 Zła ocena
S02E16 Mecz hokeja
S02E17 Reklama
S02E18 Drużyna
S02E19 Skok
S02E20 Kto rządzi w domu
S02E21 Próg zwalniający
S02E22 Kampania wyborcza
S03E01 Welcome to the Movement
S03E02 Welcome to the Election
S03E03 Welcome to Couples Therapy
S03E04 Welcome to the Rooster
S03E05 Welcome To The Road Trip
S03E06 Welcome to the Turnaround
S03E07 Welcome to the Motorcycle
S03E08 Welcome to the Property
S03E09 Welcome to the Shakedown
S03E10 Welcome to the Procedure
S03E11 Welcome to the Dad Band
S03E12 Welcome to the Treehouse
S03E13 Welcome to the Art Class
S03E14 Welcome to the Hero
S03E15 Welcome to the Challenge
S03E16 Welcome to the Test Run
S03E17 Welcome to the Invasion
S03E18 Welcome to the Surprise
S04E01 Welcome to the Family
S04E02 Welcome to the Intervention
S04E03 Welcome to the Sister From Another Mister
S04E04 Welcome to the Porch Pirate
S04E05 Welcome To Your Match
S04E06 Welcome to the Haunting
S04E07 Welcome to the Ex-Files
S04E08 Welcome to the Family Business
S04E09 Welcome to the Splurge
S04E10 Welcome to Jury Duty
S04E11 Welcome to the Knockout
S04E12 Welcome to the Big One
S04E13 Welcome to the Stakeout
S04E14 Welcome to the Big Little Leagues
S04E15 Welcome to the Remodel
S04E16 Welcome to the Man Code
S04E17 Welcome to Bro Money, Bro Problems
S04E18 Welcome to the Feud
S04E19 Welcome to the Quinceañera
S04E20 Welcome to the Mama Drama
S04E21 Welcome to the Dream Girls
S04E22 Welcome to the Ring
S05E01 Welcome Back to the Neighborhood
S05E02 Welcome to the Pit Stop, How May I Help You?
S05E03 Welcome to the Ballgame
S05E04 Welcome to the New Deal
S05E05 Welcome to the Art of Negotiation
S05E06 Welcome to the Hot Prospect
S05E07 Welcome to the Working Week
S05E08 Welcome to What Used to Be the Neighborhood
S05E09 Welcome to Our Time
S05E10 Welcome to the Getaway
S05E11 Welcome to the Cornhole
S05E12 Welcome to the Bachelor Party
S05E13 Welcome to the Last Dance
S05E14 Welcome to New Beginnings
S05E15 Welcome to the Next Big Thing
S05E16 Welcome to the Jungle
S05E17 Welcome to the Milestone
S05E18 Welcome to the Future
S05E19 Welcome to the New Do
S05E20 Welcome to the Other Neighborhood
S05E21 Welcome to the Fatherhood
S05E22 Welcome to the Opening Night
S06E01 Welcome to the Foos Box
S06E02 Welcome to the Awkward Conversations
S06E03 Welcome to the Other Butlers
S06E04 Welcome to Grandfatherhood
S06E05 Welcome to the Front Window
S06E06 Welcome to the Walkout
S06E07 Welcome to the Stand-Off
S06E08 Welcome to the Baby Shower
S06E09 Welcome to the Name Drop
S06E10 Welcome to the World
S07E01 Welcome to the Neighborhood, Daphne
S07E02 Welcome to the Big Sleep
S07E03 Welcome to the Vote
S07E04 Welcome to the Great Beyond
S07E05 Welcome to Commitment
S07E06 Welcome to Daddy Issues
S07E07 Welcome to the Wicked Stepmother
S07E08 Bienvenidos a Nosotros
S07E09 Welcome to Pickleball
S07E10 Welcome to the Pickle
S07E11 Welcome to the e-Neighborhood
S07E12 Welcome to Getting Lucky
S07E13 Welcome to Not Being in It
S07E14 "The Neighborhood" Episode #7.14
S07E15 "The Neighborhood" Episode #7.15
S07E16 "The Neighborhood" Episode #7.16