1997 - Pokémon
Gotta catch 'em all!
Original title: ポケットモンスター
Join Ash accompanied by his partner Pikachu, as he travels through many regions, meets new friends and faces new challenges on his quest to become a Pokémon Master. themoviedb
Интересни линкови
Pokémon subtitles for episodes from season 9
S09E01 Fear Factor Phony
S09E02 Sweet Baby James
S09E03 A Chip Off the Old Brock
S09E04 Wheel of Frontier
S09E05 May's Egg-Cellent Adventure!
S09E06 Weekend Warrior
S09E07 On Olden Pond
S09E08 Tactics Theatrics!!
S09E09 Reversing the Charges
S09E10 The Green Guardian
S09E11 From Cradle to Save!
S09E12 Time Warp Heals All Wounds
S09E13 Queen of the Serpentine!
S09E14 Off the Unbeaten Path!
S09E15 Harley Rides Again
S09E16 Odd Pokémon Out!
S09E17 Spontaneous Combusken!
S09E18 Cutting the Ties that Bind!
S09E19 Ka Boom with a View!
S09E20 King and Queen for a Day!
S09E21 Curbing the Crimson Tide!
S09E22 What I Did for Love!
S09E23 Three Jynx and a Baby!
S09E24 Talking a Good Game!
S09E25 Second Time's the Charm!
S09E26 All That Glitters is Not Golden!
S09E27 New Plot, Odd Lot!
S09E28 Going for Choke!
S09E29 The Ole' Berate and Switch!
S09E29 The Ole' Berate and Switch!
S09E30 Grating Spaces!
S09E32 Slaking Kong!
S09E33 May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!
S09E34 Thinning the Hoard!
S09E35 Channeling the Battle Zone!
S09E36 Aipom and Circumstance!
S09E37 Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight!
S09E38 Duels of the Jungle!
S09E39 Overjoyed!
S09E40 The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!
S09E40 The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!
S09E41 Pinch Healing!
S09E43 Pace - The Final Frontier!
S09E44 Once More With Reeling!
S09E45 Home is Where the Start Is!