2010 - S tebou je mi líp
One family. Three couples. Lots of issues.
Original title: Better With You
Maddie a Ben spolu chodí již 9 let a znají se skrz na skrz, ale pořád se nemůžou odhodlat k tomu finálnímu kroku a vzít se. Naproti tomu Maddiina mladší sestra Mia randí s Caseym 7 týdnů a již se chtějí brát a mít spolu dítě. Což docela zaskočí jejich rodiče Vicky a Joela, kteří jsou spolu již 35 let a zrovna si začali užívat života podobně jako Mia. themoviedb
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S tebou je mi líp subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Better With Firehouse
S01E03 Better With Ben
S01E04 Better With Fighting
S01E05 Better With Little Buddy
S01E06 Better With Halloween
S01E07 Better With Road Joel
S01E08 Better With Flirting
S01E09 Better With Thanksgiving
S01E10 Better With Christmas Crap
S01E11 Better With Skinny Jeans
S01E12 Better With a Cat
S01E13 Better With Valentine's Day
S01E14 Better With a Leather Jacket
S01E15 Better With a Shamrock
S01E16 Better Without a Couch
S01E17 Better Without a Job
S01E18 Better With Lying
S01E19 Better With Dancing
S01E20 Better With Crying
S01E21 Better With a Bargain
S01E22 Better With the Baby
Better With You - S01E22 Better With the Baby Better.With.You.S01E22.HDTV.XviD-ASAP 0% 21 0 více než 10 roky
Better. With. You. S01E22. HDTV. XviD-ASAPBetter.With.You.S01E22.HDTV.XviD-ASAPBetter With You - S01E21 Better With a Bargain Better.With.You.S01E21.HDTV.XviD-ASAP 0% 33 0 více než 10 roky
Better. With. You. S01E21. HDTV. XviD-ASAPBetter.With.You.S01E21.HDTV.XviD-ASAPBetter With You - S01E20 Better With Crying Better.with.You.S01E20.Better.with.Crying.HDTV.XviD-FQM 0% 30 0 více než 10 roky
Better. with. You. S01E20. Better. with. Crying. HDTV. XviD-FQMBetter.with.You.S01E20.Better.with.Crying.HDTV.XviD-FQMBetter With You - S01E19 Better With Dancing Better.With.You.S01E19.720p.HDTV.x264 0% 42 0 více než 11 roky
Better. With. You. S01E19. 720p. HDTV. x264Better.With.You.S01E19.720p.HDTV.x264Better With You - S01E18 Better With Lying Better-with-You-S01E18(0000176548) 0% 40 0 více než 11 roky
Better-with-You-S01E18(0000176548)Better-with-You-S01E18(0000176548)Better With You - S01E15 Better With a Shamrock Better-with-You-S01E15(0000171822) 0% 33 0 více než 11 roky
Better-with-You-S01E15(0000171822)Better-with-You-S01E15(0000171822)Better With You - S01E13 "Better with You" Better with Valentine's Day Better-with-You-S01E13(0000170854) 0% 30 0 více než 11 roky
Better-with-You-S01E13(0000170854)Better-with-You-S01E13(0000170854)Better With You - S01E14 Better With a Leather Jacket Better-with-You-S01E14(0000171502) 0% 72 0 téměř 14 roky
Better-with-You-S01E14(0000171502)Better-with-You-S01E14(0000171502)Better With You - S01E16 Better Without a Couch Better.With.You.S01E16.HDTV.XviD-ASAP 0% 69 0 téměř 14 roky
Better. With. You. S01E16. HDTV. XviD-ASAPBetter.With.You.S01E16.HDTV.XviD-ASAPBetter With You - S01E12 Better With a Cat Better.With.You.S01E12.HDTV.XviD-2HD 0% 72 0 asi 14 roky
Better. With. You. S01E12. HDTV. XviD-2HDBetter.With.You.S01E12.HDTV.XviD-2HDBetter With You - S01E11 Better With Skinny Jeans Better.With.You.S01E11.HDTV.XviD-2HD 0% 72 0 asi 14 roky
Better. With. You. S01E11. HDTV. XviD-2HDBetter.With.You.S01E11.HDTV.XviD-2HDBetter With You - S01E10 Better With Christmas Crap Better-with-You-S01E10(0000169553) 0% 266 0 asi 14 roky
Better-with-You-S01E10(0000169553)Better-with-You-S01E10(0000169553)Better With You - S01E09 Better With Thanksgiving Better-with-You-S01E09(0000168391) 0% 269 0 asi 14 roky
Better-with-You-S01E09(0000168391)Better-with-You-S01E09(0000168391)S tebou je mi líp - S01E08 Better With Flirting Better-with-You-S01E08(0000167977) 0% 71 0 asi 14 roky
Better-with-You-S01E08(0000167977)Better-with-You-S01E08(0000167977)Better With You - S01E06 Better With Halloween Better-with-You-S01E06(0000165251) 0% 71 0 více než 14 roky
Better-with-You-S01E06(0000165251)Better-with-You-S01E06(0000165251)Better With You - S01E05 Better With Little Buddy Better-with-You-S01E05(0000164119) 0% 78 0 více než 14 roky
Better-with-You-S01E05(0000164119)Better-with-You-S01E05(0000164119)Better With You - S01E04 Better With Fighting Better-with-You-S01E04(0000163390) 0% 97 0 více než 14 roky
Better-with-You-S01E04(0000163390)Better-with-You-S01E04(0000163390)Better With You - S01E03 Better With Ben Better With You [01x03] Better With Ben 0% 88 0 více než 14 roky
Better With You [01x03] Better With BenBetter With You [01x03] Better With BenBetter With You - S01E02 Better With Firehouse Better-With-You-S01E02-Better-with-Firehouse(0000162516) 0% 168 0 více než 14 roky
Better-With-You-S01E02-Better-with-Firehouse(0000162516)Better-With-You-S01E02-Better-with-Firehouse(0000162516)Better With You - S01E01 Pilot Better with You S01E01 Pilot 0% 110 0 více než 14 roky
Better with You S01E01 PilotBetter with You S01E01 Pilot