2021 - Star Wars: The Bad Batch
It is time for the new Era.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch разказва за отряд елитни експериментални клонинги, наречени „лошата партида“ или „клониран отряд 99“ (героите вече бяха представени във „Войните на клонираните“). Те си проправят път в бързо променяща се галактика след края на войните. Клонингите от уникалния отряд се различават генетично от техните братя в армията на клонираните и благодарение на това всеки притежава по едно невероятно умение. Така заедно те са изключително ефективен екип. Лошата партида се състои от Хънтър – експерт по проследяване и лидер на групата, Еко – бивш пехотинец, превърнат в киборг, Тек – технически експерт, Рекър – най-големия побойник, и Кросхеър – умел в стрелбата. themoviedb
Интересни връзки
Star Wars: The Bad Batch subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Aftermath
S01E02 Cut and Run
S01E03 Replacements
S01E04 Cornered
S01E05 Rampage
S01E06 Decommissioned
S01E07 Battle Scars
S01E08 Reunion
S01E09 Bounty Lost
S01E10 Common Ground
S01E11 Devil's Deal
S01E12 Rescue on Ryloth
S01E13 Infested
S01E14 War-Mantle
S01E15 Return to Kamino (1)
S01E16 Kamino Lost (2)
S02E01 Spoils of War (1)
S02E02 Ruins of War (2)
S02E03 The Solitary Clone
S02E04 Faster
S02E05 Entombed
S02E06 Tribe
S02E07 The Clone Conspiracy (1)
S02E08 Truth & Consequences (2)
S02E09 The Crossing
S02E10 Retrieval
S02E11 Metamorphosis
S02E12 The Outpost
S02E13 Pabu
S02E14 Tipping Point
S02E15 The Summit (1)
S02E16 Plan 99 (2)
S03E01 Confined
S03E02 Paths Unknown
S03E03 Shadows of Tantiss
S03E04 A Different Approach
S03E05 The Return
S03E06 Infiltration
S03E07 Extraction
S03E08 Bad Territory
S03E09 The Harbinger
S03E10 Identity Crisis
S03E11 Point of No Return
S03E12 Juggernaut
S03E13 Into the Breach
S03E14 Flash Strike
S03E15 The Cavalry Has Arrived
Star Wars: The Bad Batch - S03E14 Flash Strike Star Wars The Bad Batch S03E14 Flash Strike WEB 0% 0 0 9 месеца
Star Wars The Bad Batch S03E14 Flash Strike WEBStar Wars The Bad Batch S03E14 Flash Strike WEBStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S03E15 The Cavalry Has Arrived Star Wars - The Bad Batch - 03x15 The Cavalry Has Arrived WEB 0% 0 0 9 месеца
Star Wars - The Bad Batch - 03x15 The Cavalry Has Arrived WEBStar Wars - The Bad Batch - 03x15 The Cavalry Has Arrived WEBスター・ウォーズ:バッド・バッチ - S03E13 Into the Breach Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S03E13.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH 0% 65 0 10 месеца
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S03E13. 1080p. WEB. h264-EDITHStar.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S03E13.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITHStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S03E15 The Cavalry Has Arrived Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S03E15.1080p.HEVC.x265-MeGusta 0% 0 0 10 месеца
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S03E15. 1080p. HEVC. x265-MeGustaStar.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S03E15.1080p.HEVC.x265-MeGustaStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S03E09 The Harbinger star_wars_the_bad_batch_s03e09_the_harbinger_web 0% 90 0 11 месеца
star_wars_the_bad_batch_s03e09_the_harbinger_webstar_wars_the_bad_batch_s03e09_the_harbinger_webStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S03E05 The Return Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S03E05.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-ACEM 0% 0 0 12 месеца
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S03E05. DSNP. WEB-DL. DDP5. 1. H. 264-ACEMStar.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S03E05.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-ACEMStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S01E11 Devil's Deal Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S01E11.WEBRip.x264-ION10[] 0% 19 0 12 месеца
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S01E11. WEBRip. x264-ION10[eztv. re]Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S01E11.WEBRip.x264-ION10[]Star Wars: The Bad Batch - S01E04 Cornered Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S01E04.WEBRip.x264-ION10 0% 54 0 12 месеца
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S01E04. WEBRip. x264-ION10Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S01E04.WEBRip.x264-ION10Star Wars: The Bad Batch - S01E03 Replacements Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S01E03.WEBRip.x264-ION10 0% 17 0 около 1 година
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S01E03. WEBRip. x264-ION10Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S01E03.WEBRip.x264-ION10Star Wars: The Bad Batch - S03E04 A Different Approach Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S03E04.A.Different.Approach.1080p.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb 0% 1 0 около 1 година
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S03E04. A. Different. Approach. 1080p. DSNP. WEB-DL. DDP5. 1. H. 264-NTbStar.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S03E04.A.Different.Approach.1080p.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTbStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S03E03 Shadows of Tantiss rvkd-star.wars.the.bad.batch.s03e03.1080p.web.h264[] 0% 7 0 около 1 година
rvkd-star. wars. the. bad. batch. s03e03. 1080p. web. h264[EZTVx. to]rvkd-star.wars.the.bad.batch.s03e03.1080p.web.h264[]Star Wars: The Bad Batch - S03E02 Paths Unknown rvkd-star.wars.the.bad.batch.s03e02.1080p.web.h264[] 0% 82 0 около 1 година
rvkd-star. wars. the. bad. batch. s03e02. 1080p. web. h264[EZTVx. to]rvkd-star.wars.the.bad.batch.s03e02.1080p.web.h264[]Star Wars: The Bad Batch - S03E01 Confined rvkd-star.wars.the.bad.batch.s03e01.1080p.web.h264[] 0% 89 0 около 1 година
rvkd-star. wars. the. bad. batch. s03e01. 1080p. web. h264[EZTVx. to]rvkd-star.wars.the.bad.batch.s03e01.1080p.web.h264[]Star Wars: The Bad Batch - S02E16 Plan 99 (2) star.wars.the.bad.batch.s02e16.1080p.web.h264-ggez 0% 127 0 почти 2 години
star. wars. the. bad. batch. s02e16. 1080p. web. h264-ggezstar.wars.the.bad.batch.s02e16.1080p.web.h264-ggezStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S02E15 The Summit (1) star.wars.the.bad.batch.s02e15.1080p.web.h264-ggez 0% 140 0 почти 2 години
star. wars. the. bad. batch. s02e15. 1080p. web. h264-ggezstar.wars.the.bad.batch.s02e15.1080p.web.h264-ggezStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S02E04 Faster Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E04.480p.x264-RUBiK-bul(1) 0% 110 0 почти 2 години
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S02E04. 480p. x264-RUBiK-bul(1)Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E04.480p.x264-RUBiK-bul(1)Star Wars: The Bad Batch - S02E11 Metamorphosis Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E11.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi 0% 144 0 почти 2 години
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S02E11. 720p. WEB. h264-KOGiStar.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E11.720p.WEB.h264-KOGiStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S02E13 Pabu star.wars.the.bad.batch.s02e13.1080p.web.h264-ggez 0% 157 0 почти 2 години
star. wars. the. bad. batch. s02e13. 1080p. web. h264-ggezstar.wars.the.bad.batch.s02e13.1080p.web.h264-ggezStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S02E12 The Outpost star.wars.the.bad.batch.s02e12.1080p.web.h264-ggez[] 0% 162 0 почти 2 години
star. wars. the. bad. batch. s02e12. 1080p. web. h264-ggez[eztv. re]star.wars.the.bad.batch.s02e12.1080p.web.h264-ggez[]Star Wars: The Bad Batch - S02E01 Spoils of War (1) Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E01.1080p.10bit.WEBRip.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 195 0 около 2 години
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S02E01. 1080p. 10bit. WEBRip. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSAStar.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E01.1080p.10bit.WEBRip.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSAStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S02E09 The Crossing Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E09.1080p.WEB.h264-KOGi 0% 185 0 около 2 години
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S02E09. 1080p. WEB. h264-KOGiStar.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E09.1080p.WEB.h264-KOGiStar Wars: The Bad Batch - S02E08 Truth & Consequences (2) Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E08.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi 0% 174 0 около 2 години
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S02E08. 720p. WEB. h264-KOGiStar.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E08.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi- S02E07 The Clone Conspiracy Star.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E07.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi 0% 133 0 около 2 години
Star. Wars. The. Bad. Batch. S02E07. 720p. WEB. h264-KOGiStar.Wars.The.Bad.Batch.S02E07.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi