1999 - LAW & ORDER:性犯罪特捜班
Standing for victims.
Original title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
刑事司法制度では、性犯罪は特に凶悪とみなされます。 ニューヨーク市では、これらの凶悪な重罪を調査する献身的な探偵は、特別犠牲者ユニットとして知られるエリート部隊のメンバーです。 これらは彼らの物語です。 themoviedb
LAW & ORDER:性犯罪特捜班 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 女たちの制裁
S01E02 美人ライターの秘密
S01E03 ...Or Just Look Like One
S01E04 Hysteria
S01E05 Wanderlust
S01E06 Sophomore Jinx
S01E07 Uncivilized
S01E08 Stalked
S01E09 Stocks & Bondage
S01E10 Closure
S01E11 Bad Blood
S01E12 Russian Love Poem
S01E13 Disrobed
S01E14 Limitations
S01E15 Entitled (I)
S01E16 The Third Guy
S01E17 Misleader
S01E18 Chat Room
S01E19 Contact
S01E20 Remorse
S01E21 Nocturne
S01E22 Slaves
S02E01 Wrong Is Right
S02E02 Honor
S02E03 Closure, Part 2
S02E04 Legacy
S02E05 Baby Killer
S02E06 Noncompliance
S02E07 Asunder
S02E08 Taken
S02E09 Pixies
S02E10 Consent
S02E11 Abuse
S02E12 Secrets
S02E13 Victims
S02E14 Paranoia
S02E15 Countdown
S02E16 Runaway
S02E17 Folly
S02E18 Manhunt
S02E19 Parasites
S02E20 Pique
S02E21 Scourge
S03E01 家族崩壊の序章
S03E02 つくられた犯罪者
S03E03 幼児誘拐事件の波紋
S03E04 DNAの価値
S03E05 陰謀の結末
S03E06 正義を貫け
S03E07 愛を貫く方法
S03E08 悪魔の子
S03E09 呪いを解く剣
S03E10 愚弄
S03E11 壊れた世界
S03E12 小さな少年の勇気
S03E13 完璧な証拠
S03E14 Counterfeit
S03E15 死刑執行のカウントダウン
S03E16 無防備なセックス
S03E17 ゆがんだ妄想愛
S03E18 それぞれの罪悪感
S03E19 秘密が明らかになる瞬間
S03E20 DNAの落とし穴
S03E21 母と娘の愛憎
S03E22 母親の資格
S03E23 魂の行き先
S04E01 世間と自分を欺くウソ
S04E02 神聖な婚姻
S04E03 弱い者いじめ
S04E04 欲情する魂
S04E05 秩序のない世界
S04E06 父親の愛し方
S04E07 捨てられた人形
S04E08 完ぺきな細胞
S04E09 罪の意識
S04E10 ゆがんだ愛情
S04E11 堕ちた天使
S04E12 おとり捜査の結末
S04E13 ゆがんだ敵討ち
S04E14 Mercy
S04E15 パンドラの箱
S04E16 衝動の抑制
S04E17 環境説の真相
S04E18 見えない暴力
S04E19 バーチャル・ポルノの罠
S04E20 Dominance
S04E21 悲しい現実
S04E22 最後の切り札
S04E23 報復の連鎖
S04E24 カリスマの洗脳
S04E25 冷血な殺人
S05E01 妊婦拉致事件
S05E02 幼い心の闇
S05E03 危険なセラピー
S05E04 突然の別れ
S05E05 Serendipity
S05E06 導かれた殺人
S05E07 母の権利と子の権利
S05E08 秘められた偏見
S05E09 過ちの代償
S05E10 罪なき罪
S05E11 ベンソンの約束
S05E12 汚れた社交クラブ
S05E13 理解を超える謎
S05E14 失踪児童の実態」
S05E15 忌まわしい運命
S05E16 理想の家庭
S05E17 いじめの連鎖
S05E18 執念の捜査
S05E19 アブノーマルな愛
S05E20 自覚なき罪
S05E21 更生への道
S05E22 後悔の念
S05E23 老女連続殺人
S05E24 法廷の中の悪
S05E25 脳の被害者
S06E01 2人の実母
S06E02 自由への身代金
S06E03 売名行為
S06E04 メッセージの鍵
S06E05 過熱報道
S06E06 騙し合い
S06E07 信者の悲劇
S06E08 互いの主張
S06E09 ガラス細工の心
S06E10 罪の意識
S06E11 少女の告白
S06E12 本当の自分
S06E13 囚われた少年
S06E14 リアルゲーム
S06E15 少女たちの秘密
S06E16 ゴースト
S06E17 14年後の決着
S06E18 謎の霊能者
S06E19 悲恋の結末
S06E20 沈黙が招く悲劇
S06E21 溺愛ゆえの愚行
S06E22 遺体の行方
S06E23 揉み消された真実
S07E01 心に潜る闇
S07E02 オーダーメード
S07E03 緊急コール
S07E04 父と息子
S07E05 審判
S07E06 危険な革命家
S07E07 意志を継ぐ者
S07E08 完全なる支配
S07E09 追いつめられた少女
S07E10 ハリケーンの後遺症
S07E11 2人の母親
S07E12 銃犯罪の後遺症
S07E13 見捨てられた誘拐犯
S07E14 歪んだ愛情
S07E15 支配する女
S07E16 遺体なきレイプ殺人
S07E17 危険なゲーム
S07E18 愛に飢えた危険分子
S07E19 重い選択
S07E20 肥満の呪縛
S07E21 ネットアイドル
S07E22 スターの影響力
S08E01 新たな幕開け
S08E02 幼すぎる少女
S08E03 封印された記憶
S08E04 辿り着けなかった真実
S08E05 過去との決着
S08E06 性犯罪捜査官の威信
S08E07 入れ墨の少女
S08E08 檻の中の子供
S08E09 もつれた愛
S08E10 ティアニーの贖罪
S08E11 泥沼の離婚調停
S08E12 アウトサイダー
S08E13 社会の闇
S08E14 ゆるぎない信頼
S08E15 子供を取り戻せ!
S08E16 オリビアの葛藤
S08E17 家族の絆
S08E18 大人の責任
S08E19 見えない真実
S08E20 ナルシスト
S08E21 美少女の秘密
S08E22 明かされる過去
S13E01 Scorched Earth
S13E02 Personal Fouls
S13E03 Blood Brothers
S13E04 Double Strands
S13E05 Missing Pieces
S13E06 True Believers
S13E07 Russian Brides
S13E08 Educated Guess
S13E09 Lost Traveller
S13E10 Spiraling Down
S13E11 Theatre Tricks
S13E12 Official Story
S13E13 Father's Shadow
S13E14 Home Invasions
S13E15 Hunting Ground
S13E16 Child's Welfare
S13E17 Justice Denied
S13E18 Valentine's Day
S13E19 Street Revenge
S13E20 Father Dearest
S13E21 Learning Curve
S13E22 Strange Beauty
S13E23 Rhodium Nights
S14E01 Lost Reputation (1)
S14E02 Above Suspicion (2)
S14E03 Twenty-Five Acts
S14E04 Acceptable Loss
S14E05 Manhattan Vigil
S14E06 Friending Emily
S14E07 Vanity's Bonfire
S14E08 Lessons Learned
S14E09 Dreams Deferred
S14E10 Presumed Guilty
S14E11 Beautiful Frame
S14E12 Criminal Hatred
S14E13 Monster's Legacy
S14E14 Secrets Exhumed
S14E15 Deadly Ambition
S14E16 Funny Valentine
S14E17 Undercover Blue
S14E18 Legitimate Rape
S14E19 Born Psychopath
S14E20 Girl Dishonored
S14E21 Traumatic Wound
S14E22 Poisoned Motive
S14E23 Brief Interlude
S14E24 Her Negotiation
S15E01 Surrender Benson
S15E02 地下牢
S15E03 アメリカの闇
S15E04 裏切者は誰だ
S15E05 Wonderland Story
S15E06 October Surprise
S15E07 Dissonant Voices
S15E08 Military Justice
S15E09 Rapist Anonymous
S15E10 Psycho/Therapist
S15E11 Amaro's One-Eighty
S15E12 Jersey Breakdown
S15E13 Betrayal's Climax
S15E14 Wednesday's Child
S15E15 Comic Perversion (I)
S15E16 Gridiron Soldier
S15E17 Gambler's Fallacy
S15E18 Criminal Stories
S15E19 Downloaded Child
S15E20 Beast's Obsession
S15E21 Post-Mortem Blues
S15E22 Reasonable Doubt
S15E23 Thought Criminal
S15E24 Spring Awakening
S16E01 Girls Disappeared
S16E02 American Disgrace
S16E03 Producer's Backend
S16E04 Holden's Manifesto
S16E05 Pornstar's Requiem
S16E06 Glasgowman's Wrath
S16E07 Chicago Crossover (II)
S16E08 Spousal Privilege
S16E09 Pattern Seventeen
S16E10 Forgiving Rollins
S16E11 Agent Provocateur
S16E12 Padre Sandunguero
S16E13 Decaying Morality
S16E14 脅迫ゲーム
S16E15 Undercover Mother
S16E16 December Solstice
S16E17 Parole Violations
S16E18 Devastating Story
S16E19 Granting Immunity
S16E20 Daydream Believer (III)
S16E21 Perverted Justice
S16E22 Parents' Nightmare
S16E23 Surrendering Noah
S17E01 切断魔
S17E02 Criminal Pathology (2)
S17E03 Transgender Bridge
S17E04 構造的欠陥
S17E05 所轄
S17E06 フルートを追え
S17E07 Patrimonial Burden
S17E08 プレイボーイのDNA
S17E09 自白の信頼性
S17E10 なりすまし誘拐
S17E11 ある日の出来事
S17E12 A Misunderstanding
S17E13 41人の目撃者
S17E14 脱走犯2人
S17E15 暴かれた罪
S17E16 ファン心理の過ち
S17E17 見えない標的
S17E18 巻き添え
S17E19 Sheltered Outcasts
S17E20 Fashionable Crimes
S17E21 Assaulting Reality
S17E22 Intersecting Lives (1)
S17E23 Heartfelt Passages (2)
S18E01 Terrorized
S18E02 Making a Rapist
S18E03 Imposter
S18E04 Heightened Emotions
S18E04 Heightened Emotions
S18E05 Rape Interrupted
S18E06 Broken Rhymes
S18E07 Next Chapter
S18E08 Chasing Theo
S18E09 Decline and Fall
S18E10 Motherly Love
S18E11 Great Expectations
S18E12 No Surrender
S18E12 No Surrender
S18E13 Genes
S18E14 Net Worth
S18E15 Know It All
S18E16 The Newsroom
S18E17 Real Fake News
S18E18 Spellbound
S18E19 Conversion
S18E20 American Dream (1)
S18E21 Sanctuary (2)
S18E22 "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" Episode #18.22
S19E01 Gone Fishin'
S19E02 Mood
S19E03 Contrapasso
S19E04 No Good Reason
S19E05 Complicated
S19E06 Unintended Consequences
S19E07 Something Happened
S19E08 Intent
S19E09 Gone Baby Gone
S19E10 Pathological
S19E11 Flight Risk
S19E12 Info Wars
S19E13 The Undiscovered Country
S19E14 Chasing Demons
S19E15 In Loco Parentis
S19E16 Dare
S19E17 Send In the Clowns
S19E18 Service
S19E19 Sunk Cost Fallacy
S19E20 The Book of Esther
S19E21 Guardian
S19E22 Mama
S19E23 Remember Me (1)
S19E24 Remember Me Too (2)
S20E00 "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" Sneak Peek
S20E01 Man Up
S20E02 Man Down
S20E03 Zero Tolerance
S20E04 Revenge
S20E05 Accredo
S20E06 Exile
S20E07 Caretaker
S20E08 Hell's Kitchen
S20E09 Mea Culpa
S20E10 Alta Kockers
S20E11 Plastic
S20E12 Dear Ben
S20E13 A Story of More Woe
S20E14 Part 33
S20E15 Brothel
S20E16 Facing Demons
S20E17 Missing
S20E18 Blackout
S20E19 Dearly Beloved
S20E20 The Good Girl
S20E21 Exchange
S20E22 Diss
S20E23 Assumptions
S20E24 End Game
S21E01 I'm Going to Make You a Star
S21E02 The Darkest Journey Home
S21E03 Down Low in Hell's Kitchen
S21E04 The Burden of Our Choices
S21E05 At Midnight in Manhattan
S21E06 Murdered at a Bad Address
S21E07 Counselor, It's Chinatown
S21E08 We Dream of Machine Elves
S21E09 Can't Be Held Accountable
S21E10 Must Be Held Accountable
S21E11 She Paints for Vengeance
S21E12 The Longest Night of Rain
S21E13 Redemption in Her Corner
S21E14 I Deserve Some Loving Too
S21E15 Swimming With the Sharks
S21E16 Eternal Relief from Pain
S21E17 Dance, Lies and Videotape
S21E18 Garland's Baptism by Fire
S21E19 Solving for the Unknowns
S21E20 The Things We Have to Lose
S22E01 Guardians and Gladiators
S22E02 Ballad of Dwight and Irena
S22E03 Remember Me In Quarantine
S22E04 Sightless in a Savage Land
S22E05 Turn Me On, Take Me Private
S22E06 The Long Arm of the Witness
S22E07 Hunt, Trap, Rape, and Release
S22E08 The Only Way Out Is Through
S22E09 Return of the Prodigal Son (I)
S22E10 Welcome to the Pedo Motel
S22E11 Our Words Will Not Be Heard
S22E12 In The Year We All Fell Down
S22E13 Trick-Rolled at the Moulin (I)
S22E14 Post-Graduate Psychopath
S22E15 What Can Happen in the Dark
S22E16 Wolves In Sheep's Clothing
S23E01 And the Empire Strikes Back
S23E02 Never Turn Your Back on Them
S23E03 I Thought You Were On My Side
S23E04 One More Tale of Two Victims
S23E05 Fast Times @TheWheelHouse
S23E06 The Five Hundredth Episode
S23E07 They'd Already Disappeared
S23E08 Nightmares in Drill City
S23E09 People vs. Richard Wheatley (I)
S23E10 Silent Night, Hateful Night
S23E11 Burning With Rage Forever
S23E12 Tommy Baker's Hardest Fight
S23E13 If I Knew Then What I Know Now
S23E14 Video Killed the Radio Star
S23E15 Promising Young Gentleman
S23E16 Sorry If It Got Weird For You
S23E17 奪われた夢
S23E18 Eighteen Wheels a Predator
S23E19 Tangled Strands of Justice
S23E20 Did You Believe in Miracles? (I)
S23E21 Confess Your Sins To Be Free
S23E22 A Final Call at Forlini's Bar
S24E01 Gimme Shelter (II)
S24E02 The One You Feed
S24E03 Mirror Effect
S24E04 The Steps We Cannot Take
S24E05 Breakwater
S24E06 Controlled Burn
S24E07 Dead Ball
S24E08 A Better Person
S24E09 And a Trauma In a Pear Tree
S24E10 Jumped In
S24E11 Soldier Up
S24E12 Blood Out
S24E13 Intersection
S24E14 Dutch Tears
S24E15 King of the Moon
S24E16 The Presence Of Absence
S24E17 Lime Chaser
S24E18 Bubble Wrap
S24E19 Bend the Law
S24E20 Debatable
S24E21 Bad Things
S24E22 All Pain is One Malady
S25E01 Tunnel Blind
S25E02 Truth Embargo
S25E03 The Punch List
S25E04 Duty to Report
S25E06 Carousel
S25E07 Probability of Doom
S25E08 Third Man Syndrome
S25E09 Children of Wolves
S25E10 Combat Fatigue
S25E11 Prima Nocta
S25E12 Marauder
S25E13 Escalation
S26E01 Fractured
S26E02 Excavation
S26E03 Divide & Conquer
S26E03 Divide & Conquer
S26E05 Economics of Shame
S26E07 Tenfold
S26E08 Cornered
S26E09 First Light
S26E10 Master Key
S26E12 Calculated